Labor & delivery

The essential guide to packing your hospital bag

The essential guide to packing your hospital bag The essential guide to packing your hospital bag

Welcoming a new baby into the world is an exciting journey filled with joy and anticipation. As the due date approaches, one important task to tick off your list is packing a hospital bag. This guide will help both expectant mothers and fathers prepare everything they'll need for a comfortable and stress-free stay at the hospital.

For the mom

1. Important Documents

  • ID, insurance information, and hospital forms: Keep these essentials in an easily accessible pocket or folder.
  • Birth plan (if you have one): This will guide your healthcare providers about your preferences during labor and delivery.

2. Clothing

  • Robe and slippers: Comfort is key, so choose a lightweight robe and non-slip slippers.
  • Nursing bras and tank tops: For those who plan on breastfeeding, these items will be crucial for comfort and accessibility.
  • Loose, comfortable outfits: Pack a few outfits for both during your stay and for the trip home. Think stretchy, soft fabrics that are easy to get in and out of.

3. Toiletries

  • Travel-sized essentials: Shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, deodorant, and lip balm.
  • Heavy-duty sanitary pads and disposable underwear: The hospital usually provides these, but it’s good to have extra.
  • Nipple cream: A must for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Perineal healing foam: Which hazel foam provides cooling relief during postpartum recovery

4. Comfort items

  • Pillow: Bringing a pillow from home can make your hospital stay more comfortable.
  • Hiccapop pregnancy pillow: Wedge memory foam support
  • Entertainment: Books, magazines, a tablet loaded with movies, or a playlist can help pass time and relax.

For the dad

1. Clothing

  • Change of clothes: Comfortable outfits for one or two days.
  • Pajamas and slippers: Overnight stays might be necessary, so be prepared.

2. Snacks and hydration

  • Non-perishable snacks: Granola bars, nuts, and dried fruits are great for quick energy boosts.
  • Water bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, especially during long waiting periods.

3. Toiletries

  • Basic toiletries: Like the mother, pack travel-sized versions of personal hygiene products.

4. Entertainment and documentation

  • Camera or smartphone with charger: To capture those first moments.
  • Notebook and pen: For jotting down important notes or memories.

For the baby

1. Going home outfit

  • Something cute and comfortable: Consider the weather and pack a suitable outfit along with a hat and mittens if needed.

2. Basic supplies

  • Diapers and wipes: The hospital will provide some, but it’s safe to bring extra.
  • Blankets: Bring one or two for warmth and swaddling.

3. Car Seat

  • Installed car seat: Make sure you have an approved car seat installed in your vehicle for the ride home.

General tips

  • Pack early: Aim to have your bags packed by the 36th week of pregnancy.
  • Check hospital policies: Some hospitals provide basics like diapers and wipes, while others don’t.
  • Keep items organized: Use separate bags for each person’s belongings to keep things organized and easily accessible.

With these items packed, you’ll be more prepared to focus on the incredible experience of welcoming your new baby. Remember, while it’s important to be prepared, the hospital will have necessities in case you forget something. Stay calm, and look forward to one of the most memorable days of your life!